Welcome to the Dreier Roundtable

Welcome Message

Dreier Roundtable at
Claremont McKenna College

Hon. David Dreier ’75

Former Congressman David Dreier ’75 shares his excitement launching the Dreier Roundtable at Claremont McKenna College, his alma mater. The Dreier Roundtable is an integral part of fulfilling CMC’s unique role as a leading institution for leadership in business and government.

Meet the Fellows

The Dreier Roundtable is proud to present the DRt fellows here for the upcoming academic year of 2025.

Group photo of the inagural student fellows of the DRT

Latest News

Dreier Roundtable Civility Award

KNBC-TV political reporter Conan Nolan interviews former Congressman David Dreier ’75 and Colorado Governor Jared Polis (D-CO) at CMC during the 2024 Dreier RoundTable Civility Award ceremony.

Read Our Blog

Reagan and Free Trade

Naftali Bendavid at WP: Reagan, during his presidency, did not hide his scorn for those who equated tariffs with patriotism. “Today, protectionism is being used by some American politicians as a cheap form of nationalism,” Reagan said in a 1988 radio address. He...

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Obstacles to Civility

Hugo Balta at The Fulcrum: Civility in politics faces numerous obstacles. Hyper-partisanship has created an environment where compromise is often seen as a weakness rather than a necessary tool for governance. When politicians and citizens prioritize ideological...

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Congressional Review Act

Don Wolfensberger at The Hill: Data compiled by Sarah Hay with the Regulatory Studies Center at George Washington University, covering the 115th Congress (2017-2018) through the 118th Congress (2023-2024), shows that 368 disapproval resolutions were introduced over...

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