by jpitney | Nov 24, 2019 | Ethics, Public Administration, Public Service
Accepting the Republican presidential nomination, 1988: Some people who are enjoying our prosperity have forgotten what it’s for. But they diminish our triumph when they act as if wealth is an end in itself. And there are those who have dropped their standards...
by jpitney | Nov 23, 2019 | Higher Education, Public Administration, Uncategorized
At The American Interest, Francis Fukuyama last year lamente the decline of the study of public administration. This then brings us back to the crisis in public administration as a field. After a period of innovation and creativity driven by the economists, the field...
by jpitney | Nov 22, 2019 | Freedom of Press, Mass Media, Uncategorized
From the Committee to Protect Journalists: The Committee to Protect Journalists and press freedom supporters from around the world celebrated journalists from Brazil, India, Nicaragua, and Tanzania last night at the 29th annual International Press Freedom Awards in...
by jpitney | Nov 21, 2019 | Congress, Constitution, Senate, Uncategorized
Allan Matkins at The National Law Review: The United States Constitution vests the executive power of the federal government in the president, but his or her power is not entirely autonomous. Notably, Article II, Section 2 notably endows the president with the...
by jpitney | Nov 20, 2019 | Budget, Congress, Deliberation, Uncategorized
From the American Political Science Association Task Force on Congressional Reform: [The] main areas of consensus concerned ways to improve congressional capacity through increased personal and committee staffing, as well as expanded funding for existing support...