Civility and Coercion

Erwin Chemerinsky at MSN: As a dean of a public university law school, do I violate my students’ free speech rights when I encourage them to speak respectfully to one another, to demonstrate civility and to refrain from hateful expression? There are countless...

Bias in Academia

 Steven Teles at National Affairs: Claremont McKenna’s Jon Shields summarized the basic trend in the Fall 2018 issue of this journal, finding that outside of economics, the percentages of conservatives in the social-science and humanities disciplines have...

Elite Protests

Marc Novicoff and Robert Kelchen at The Washington Monthly; We at the Washington Monthly tried to get to the bottom of this question: Have pro-Palestinian protests taken place disproportionately at elite colleges, where few students come from lower-income families?...

Survey on Campus Protest

YouGov survey on campus protest: A growing number of students have been arrested, leading some to question whether administrators who allowed these arrests have overstepped. Others argue that even more force should be used. Our survey shows that twice as many...

Student Protest

Jon Keller at CBS Boston: You’ve seen the crowds and heard the rhetoric. But what impact is all the campus turmoil over the war in Gaza having on public opinion? Not much, according to Dritan Nesho, co-director of the nationwide Harvard Center for American...