Debate Civility

From a Los Angeles Times editorial: Debate moderators can’t hold candidates in contempt of court, levy fines or have misbehaving candidates physically removed, but they aren’t without the authority to keep participants on track. For instance, they can deal decisively...

Silencers on Campus

Samuel J. Abrams at AEI: The Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression’s (FIRE) 2024 free expression data which captures over fifty-five thousand voices from 254 colleges and universities powerfully illustrates these critically important gender-based differences...

Civility and Deliberation at Harvard

From The Harvard Gazette: The original framework for American democracy was hammered out amid heated disagreement and rigorous debate. Now, in this period of hardening political and social schisms, what’s hampering progress isn’t that we disagree, but how we do it or...

Drug Debate

  Hannah Gothelf and Brecken Enright at The Student Life: On Thursday, Claremont McKenna College’s (CMC) Dreier Roundtable hosted a student debate on drug legalization titled “Should all drugs be legalized?” The event provided a $750 cash prize for the winning...