MLK’s Commandments of Nonviolence

In Why We Can’t Wait, Dr. King reproduced a form by the Alabama Christian Movement for Human Rights, the Birmingham Affiliate of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, Fred Shuttlesworth, President. I HEREBY PLEDGE MYSELF- MY PERSON AND MY BODY- TO THE...

Christmas Wishes

E.J. Dionne at WP: Okay, maybe I’m getting soupy and sentimental at Christmastime. (It’s a weakness I have.) I’d agree we cannot wish away the deep and fundamental conflicts of this moment or the need to battle for democratic values. But if we can’t ponder a different...

“Our Religion”

“Our religion” in Utah: LDS, Evangelical/Mainline/Black Protestant, Catholic, Jehovah’s Witness, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu, “nones”, and other world religions. I’ve met and worshipped with almost all of them and I love them.

Canonizing a Fallen Journalist

George Weigel at First Things: As of May 15, Catholic journalists around the world will be able to count one of their number among the saints, as Titus Brandsma, a Dutch Carmelite killed at the Dachau concentration camp in 1942, is canonized in St. Peter’s Square. At...