McCaul on Russia and Ukraine

At Puck, Julia Ioffe interviews Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX), chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee: Your absence was definitely felt at Munich this year and some of your colleagues in the CODEL were saying, “He can’t come, he has a primary fight.” Your...

Discharge Petitions

Don Wolfensberger at The Hill: Discharge petitions are seldom successful. According to data compiled by Brookings Institution senior fellow Sarah Binder, of the over 639 discharge petitions introduced from 1935 to 2022, roughly 4 percent have been successful. Binder...

Beware Isolationism

Leigh Ann Caldwell and Theodoric Meyer at WP: As World War II raged in Europe, Republicans initially opposed U.S. involvement even as proponents argued that helping allies would prevent direct aggression toward the U.S. — the same argument used today to support...