Churchill on Chamberlain

On November 12, 1940. Churchill delivered a eulogy for Neville Chamberlain in the House of Commons.  It is a masterpiece of showing grace to a political foe who had made ghastly mistakes. The fierce and bitter controversies which hung around him in recent times were...

Civility and Civil Disobedience

David French: Civil disobedience is distinct from First Amendment protected speech. It involves both breaking an unjust law and accepting the consequences. There is a long and honorable history of civil disobedience in the United States, but true civil disobedience...

The Cost of the Minimum Wage

Heather Haddon at WSJ: Restaurants for months have said menu prices in California would rise as the state raised the minimum wage for fast-food workers. Now they are following through. Consumers picking up burgers, burritos and chicken sandwiches at chains in the...

Formers on Fixing Congress

Paul Kane at WP: Their ideas ranged from a major rethinking of how the body works to symbolic changes that could be implemented next month if anyone had the willpower. Eliminate partisan gerrymandering for House districts. Reshape campaign laws to give candidates...

Advice from Prof. Robert P. George

Princeton Professor Robert P. George: My advice to university presidents is that your policy should be as follows: We honor freedom of speech and therefore do not impose and will not impose viewpoint-based restrictions on speech. We will, for the sake of protecting...