Leadership and Civility

Blois Olson in The Minneapolis Star-Tribune.  Why are our leaders so inert? They worry about their “base,” the most vocal and activist members of their parties, and about “losing them,” all for the sake of winning in November. You’re all guilty, every single one who...

How to Rebuild America

David Dreier at RealClearPolicy: During the 2016 campaign, Hillary Clinton proposed spending $275 billion over five years on infrastructure, and Donald Trump promised “at least double” that. Now, the President says he wants to spend “at least $1 trillion” on...

Beware Fake News Sites

From NewsGuard’s Misinformation Monitor: Hundreds of sites that claim to be new local news organizations are actually funded by political interests, aiming to reach voters under the false banner of local news. A new analysis from NewsGuard examining four of...