Women Journalists in Danger

From the Coalition for Women in Journalism: Attackers often target women journalists to discourage their coverage and silence their voice.  Threats to the lives of women journalists are increasing daily in different countries but especially in Afghanistan. Three young...

Civility, Civilization, Citizenship

Brad Miner at National Review: Civility, civilization, civic, civil — all these words have their root in the Latin civis, citizen. The grandest of these, civilization, which stands for the collective refinements of a society, means, in essence, “life in the city” —...

Shrinking California

 From the California Department of Finance: California’s population dipped by 182,083 residents last year, bringing the state’s total to 39,466,855 people as of January 1, 2021, according to new population estimates and housing data released today by the California...

Courage and Self-Love

  In Profiles in Courage, JFK wrote: [W]hat then caused the statesmen mentioned in the preceding pages to act as they did? It was not because they “loved the public better than themselves.” On the contrary it was precisely because they did love themselves...