by jpitney | Jun 14, 2022 | Debate, Deliberation
Bo Seo at WSJ: [D]ebate provides a tool kit for disagreeing better. By zooming out from individual disputes to the principles that apply across them, debate can illuminate the physics of everyday disagreements. Debaters learn to isolate the main elements of successful...
by jpitney | Jun 13, 2022 | Democracy, Russia, Ukraine
Nicole Bibbins Sedaca at the Bush Institute: Vladimir Putin’s brutal, unprovoked, and unjustifiable invasion of Ukraine is an affront to the basic rights of the Ukrainian people and on democracy itself. But frighteningly, the ruthlessness behind the indiscriminate...
by jpitney | Jun 12, 2022 | Journalism, Journalists, Presidency, Uncategorized
Steven Portnoy, White House Correspondents’ Association President: For nearly a century, the story of the American presidency has been written through the eyes of the “press pool,” the small team of writers, photographers and technicians assigned each day to...
by jpitney | Jun 11, 2022 | Journalism, Journalists
Rick Edmonds at Poynter: Gannett has decided that the time for a traditional editorial page has come and gone. Beginning in the spring and accelerating this month, the 250-title chain is cutting back opinion pages to a few days a week while refocusing what opinion is...
by jpitney | Jun 10, 2022 | Congress, Public Service
Cheney Select Committee Opening Statement There is a reason why people serving in our Government take an oath to the Constitution. As our founding fathers recognized, democracy is fragile. People in positions of public trust are duty-bound to defend it – to step...