The Power of the Press Rest on Faith

Louis Menand at The New Yorker: The power of the press, such as it is, is like the power of academic scholars, scientific researchers, and Supreme Court Justices. It is not backed by force. It rests on faith: the belief that these are groups of people dedicated to...

Patriotism and Conservatism

Matthew Continetti at AEI: One cannot be an American patriot without reverence for the nation’s enabling documents. One cannot be an American conservative without regard for the American tradition of liberty those charters inaugurated. “Conservatives may of course...

Fallen Journalists in 2022

From the Committee to Protect Journalists: At least 67 journalists and media workers were killed in 2022 – an almost 50% increase from 2021, CPJ found. The rise was driven by a high number of journalist deaths covering the Ukraine war and a sharp rise in killings in...