by jpitney | Mar 7, 2023 | Race, Violence
This is my message to anyone who has chosen the path of hate. Please listen. — Arnold (@Schwarzenegger) March 6, 2023
by jpitney | Mar 6, 2023 | Polarization, Public Opinion
David French at NYT: And where are we now? Has the fever passed? Not by a long shot. America is in the grips of a simply staggering amount of partisan animosity. As I wrote in my newsletter last week, overwhelming majorities of Republicans and Democrats believe that...
by jpitney | Mar 5, 2023 | Bipartisanship, China, Congress, Foreign Policy, House of Representatives
Dana Milbank at WP: Ask Mike Gallagher. The Wisconsin Republican has been put in charge of the new House select committee on the Chinese Communist Party — and the chairman so far is turning his panel into everything the covid committee isn’t: bipartisan, serious and...
by jpitney | Mar 4, 2023 | Democracy, Mexico
Nathan Gardels at Noema: Populists who fashion themselves as tribunes of the people have never met institutional checks and balances they can happily abide. Seeing themselves and their parties as embodiments of the majority will, any constraint on their power is...
by jpitney | Mar 3, 2023 | Foreign Policy, Public Opinion
Frank Newport at Gallup: Sixty-five percent of Americans prefer the U.S. to take the leading (20%) or a major role (45%) in world affairs. This is down from 69% in 2019 and 72% as recently as 2017. The current figure is one percentage point below the prior low from...