Zelensky on American Exceptionalism

Volodymyr Zelensky at WSJ: A decade ago the current boss of Russia wrote that “America is not exceptional.” What he did later shows what he really meant. Many tyrants in human history have claimed global influence, but none of them could inspire the rest of the world...

Deficits and the Federal Debt

 From CBO: Each year, the Congressional Budget Office publishes a report presenting its projections of what the federal budget and the economy would look like over the next 30 years if current laws generally remained unchanged. The long-term budget projections...

Views of Partisan Extremism

Daniel A. Cox and Ruy Teixeira at the Survey Center on American Life: Few partisans perceive their party as embracing extreme ideological positions. Nearly three-quarters of Republicans believe the Republican Party is ideologically conservative, but only 22 percent...

Civility Resources

While raising pointed questions about the issue of civility, Politico’s Michael Schaffer lists some resources: A very partial catalog of newish organizations focused on fixing our toxic national discourse would include the Constructive Dialogue...