The House Has Problems

 Zachary Basu at Axios: The House was forced to cancel a vote Wednesday on advancing funding for the Pentagon — typically viewed as the least controversial appropriations bill — after Freedom Caucus Republicans rebelled over spending levels. Another typically...

House GOP Strategy

Henry Olsen at WP: A broader deal addressing the gamut of issues could be even more useful. House Republicans often produce a list of bullet points they call an agenda right before an election, as though to reinvigorate the 1994 Contract with America that helped...

Language and News Deserts

Emma J. Murphy at The American Prospect: News deserts are expanding. Nearly two decades ago, the United States had about 9,000 newspapers; as 2019 came to a close, it had 6,700. Of the country’s 3,143 counties, over 200 have no newspaper or other sources of credible...