At Mediaite, Caleb Howe reports that Rob Lowe interviewed Arnold Schwarzenegger:
LOWE: Okay, let me ask you this, and I ask people this all the time. David Dreier, good friend of ours and a good man. Surfer for many, many, many years. He used to have the greatest, what makes me a Republican, and he had I think four or five things. I think it was, in no particular order, strong military, low taxes, less government, more personal freedoms. There might have been one more, but it makes sense to know –
ARNOLD: Strong law enforcement.
LOWE: Strong law enforcement. And then I’d like to know, I always ask Democrats what it means to be a Democrat in that way. And I, I think whatever anybody would say –
ARNOLD: Ruin your cities.
LOWE: What would they say?
ARNOLD: Ruin your cities.
LOWE: What’s that?
ARNOLD: Ruin your cities.