Ernest Istook at Newsmax:

With a new U.S. House Speaker in place, Republicans now have a quick opportunity to re-unify, rallying around how they handle the level of massive federal spending and borrowing. They should revive the “automatic continuing resolution” (“automatic CR” or “ACR”) plan that conservative and moderate GOP factions, in both the House and the Senate, have embraced in the past. It would provide the leverage that has been missing from efforts to control runaway spending.


Currently, whenever Congress fails to pass spending bills on time, all spending lapses and “non-essential” government services are halted. Perversely, this gives the advantage to big spenders because the media helps them demonize conservatives as wanting no government instead of smaller government. They are falsely called extremists who would halt things such as Social Security checks.


In contrast, an automatic ACR keeps federal offices open indefinitely, BUT at reduced levels of spending. It fulfills the constitutional requirement that Congress must appropriate all funds. Those who want sky-high spending lose their leverage and can no longer conceal their true motive—bigger government. It differs from the recent continuing resolutions that are short-term and temporary, like the current version that expires November 17. That approach has failed to provide leverage to reduce spending, which is the root of the inflation that is decimating American families.