Rigel Robinson at Berkeleyside explains why he is quitting:

I have served this community on the Berkeley City Council since 2018 and, for the last several years, have served as Berkeley’s representative on the Alameda County Transportation Commission. When I was first elected in 2018, at 22 years old, I became the youngest person ever to serve on the City Council, propelled by a movement of students seeking greater representation and influence in City Hall. Many of you have watched me grow up in this role. From the terrors of the Trump administration to the darkness of the pandemic to the constellation of crises we are facing today, my time on the council has been shaped by tremendous challenges but also tremendous progress.

It has been the greatest honor of my life to serve this community. But it has taken a toll.  I am burnt out. My tank is empty. I have been in a perpetual state of stress and exhaustion for as long as I can remember. It is not sustainable or healthy, and I need to make a significant lifestyle change. For as long as I’ve been in public office, I have tolerated various forms of harassment, stalking, and threats from members of our community. Generally, I have accepted this as simply being part of the job. But when these behaviors affect my loved ones, I have to draw the line. It’s time for me to prioritize my well-being and my family.