Failed State Update: California Unemployment

Adam Beam at AP: California’s unemployment rate is now the highest in the country, reaching 5.3% in February following new data that revealed job growth in the nation’s most populous state was much lower last year than previously thought. California lost a staggering...

Rough Day on the Hill

 Sahil Kapur at NBC: Friday began with House conservatives holding a press conference to trash the $1.2 trillion spending bill their leaders negotiated with Democrats, sparking some fears about its prospects. It squeaked through — requiring 67% of the House, it ended...

Discharge Petitions

Don Wolfensberger at The Hill: Discharge petitions are seldom successful. According to data compiled by Brookings Institution senior fellow Sarah Binder, of the over 639 discharge petitions introduced from 1935 to 2022, roughly 4 percent have been successful. Binder...