Princeton Professor Robert P. George:
My advice to university presidents is that your policy should be as follows: We honor freedom of speech and therefore do not impose and will not impose viewpoint-based restrictions on speech. We will, for the sake of protecting everyone’s rights to teach and learn, strictly and evenhandedly (that is, in a viewpoint-neutral way) enforce the university’s time, place, and manner regulations. Conduct in deliberate violation of these regulations will subject students, faculty, and staff to disciplinary proceedings. Willful violation of the regulations in defiance of a demand by university authorities or police to cease and desist will be grounds for permanent expulsion or exclusion from the university, as will violence of any kind, obstruction, disruption of classes and other university activities, destruction of property, intimidation, threats, and harassment. Due process in disciplinary proceedings will be strictly observed, with those subject to the proceedings afforded the presumption of innocence and the burden of proof being clear and convincing evidence. We reserve the right to refer criminal violations to civil authorities.