Bush to Reagan

Vice President George H.W. Bush to President Ronald Reagan, August 16, 1988: Well, Mr. President and Nancy, hail and farewell. You know, a great scientist, Isaac Newton, once said: “If I’ve seen further, it’s because I’ve stood on the shoulder...

Frederick Douglass and the Constitution

Diana J. Schaub, “Frederick Douglass: The Constitution Militant,” The Georgetown Journal of Law & Public Policy 22 (Winter 2024).  In an action almost as momentous as his original escape from enslavement, Frederick Douglass adopted...

Failed State Update: Insurance and Housing

Levi Sumagaysay at CalMatters: Like single-family homeowners in California, landlords are facing higher insurance premiums, too. And they’re passing along some of those costs to their tenants.   Many insurance companies have stopped writing policies in the state...