From Kosmont-Rose Institute 2024 Cost of Doing Business Survey:

Our analysis indicates that cities in Los Angeles County are collectively more expensive places to do business than cities in other parts of the region and also more expensive than the top destination cities in other states. Of the 216 cities in the Survey, we ranked 26 as the most costly (see Table 1). Twenty-two of these 26 cities (and nine of the top ten) are located in Los Angeles County. Further, of the 46 cities in the Survey’s highest cost tier (coded red), 38 are located in Los Angeles County (see Appendix 1). Put another way, nearly half (43%) of the 88 cities in Los Angeles County are in the top tier of the Survey’s cost ranking. Another 30 cities in Los Angeles County (34%) are in the second most costly tier. Thus, more than three-quarters (77%) of cities in Los Angeles County rank in the Survey’s top-two cost tiers.