Dr. Francis Collins, former director of NIH, at NYT:

Here are some specific ideas about actions we can all take.


First, we should each take the time to get our own mental house in order. Let’s begin with a fundamental principle: There is such a thing as truth, and truth really matters. Are all the items in your current circle of established facts really established? Have you labeled other information you don’t like as opinion, even though it is firmly established?


Second, to move from our current divisiveness to an era of empathy and understanding, it is essential for more of us to become comfortable having conversations with people who have very differing views from ours. Keep in mind in such interactions that your goal is to listen, to understand the other person’s perspective, but not necessarily to change his or her mind. If anyone’s mind changes, it will be on the basis of their own insight, not from verbal browbeating. Be prepared to admit the parts of your own perspective where you’re honestly less sure, and where you have made mistakes.


Third, individual bridge-building can also extend to communities. The antidote to feeling hopeless is to link up with other individuals who also are motivated to address our current polarization. The “bridging field” — made up of organizations like Braver Angels (of which I am a member), whose programs aim to bring Americans together across our divides — has grown from a few dozen organizations a decade ago to hundreds today. Probably at least one or two of those is near you.


Finally, individuals are also part of a nation, and ultimately the nation should be responsive to their needs, hopes and dreams. If our nation’s political system has lost much of its commitment to truth, compromise and civility, it is up to us to turn that around. We need leaders who are capable of building consensus, not just spewing outrage on social media or cable news. Character really matters. Excusing repeated acts of lying and cruelty from a leader to achieve certain political goals is not a strategy that will lead to the healing of our nation.