Waste, Fraud, and Abuse

 Andrew Rudalevige at Good Authority: Probably the closest quasi-recent parallel is the President’s Private Sector Survey on Cost Control in the Federal Government, convened by Ronald Reagan in 1982. PPSSCCFG was hardly a mellifluous acronym, so the body was usually...

Checking the Majority

Nathan Gardels at Noema: To base the idea of democracy solely on elections invites illiberalism because it implies that majoritarian rule is all that is necessary. But, as the American founding fathers well understood, the will of the majority does not embrace all...

Lame Duck

Don Wolfensberger at The Hill: The lame-duck Congress over the next two months is not expected to produce any dramatic major final acts. One benefit of the lame duck period though is the opportunity for transition planning, especially for the new Congress and, in a...