Our Nation offers the world a vision of inalienable political, religious, and economic rights. This vision has always been shared among peoples subjugated by Soviet imperialism; and so has resistance, ever the catalyst of liberty. Today, a struggle that began in Ukraine 70 years ago is taking place throughout the Soviet empire. … All captive nations deserve and require our special support. For those seeking to enjoy humanity’s birthright of liberty, independence, and justice, we serve as guardians of their dream.
Remarks by Chargé d’Affaires, Kristina A. Kvien, US Embassy in Ukraine, February 17, 2021:
The impact President Reagan had on California, the United States, and the world cannot be overstated. The forces that President Reagan helped unleash led to the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the emergence of the sovereign nation of Ukraine.President Reagan’s world view– unwavering support of freedom, economic dynamism, democratic rule and self-determination are just as important today as they were then. For the past 30 years the United States has been, and remains, a steadfast partner of Ukraine. The United States is committed to the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine, and we stand with Ukraine in promoting transparency and rule of law and actively combatting disinformation campaigns that threaten the security of this country.