Heterodox Academy Open Inquiry Awards: Exceptional Student 

Emma Camp graduated from the University of Virginia in 2022 with a degree in philosophy and English. While at the University of Virginia, she was a Jefferson Scholar, a regular freelance writer for Reason Magazine, and a Heterodox Academy Student Affiliate. With a passion for debate and critical inquiry, Emma has been outspoken in her support for freedom of speech on college campuses. In her pursuit to uphold and protect free inquiry, she interned for the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education and wrote extensively about campus speech for Reason Magazine, Persuasion, the Cavalier Daily, FIRE Newsdesk, and most recently, the New York Times.


Emma’s pointed and honest New York Times op-ed, “I Came to College Eager for Debate. I Found Self-Censorship Instead,” reverberated around the nation, reinvigorating national debates about the speech climate on college campuses. As a student suddenly thrust into the spotlight, Emma has remained as principled and constructive as ever. In the face of derogation and unconstructive pushback, she has demonstrated exceptional bravery in championing the principles of open inquiry, viewpoint diversity, and constructive disagreement.