Restoring the Power of the Purse

Nan Swift at Dear Chairman Leahy, Vice Chairman Shelby, Senator Van Hollen, and Senator Hyde-Smith: We are an ideologically diverse coalition of organizations that have come together to preserve and promote the constitutional role of Congress, including...

Spending Reform

Tim Roemer and Rep. Derek Kilmer at The Hill: Nowhere is the need for effective lawmaking more apparent than the budget and appropriations process. Article I gives Congress alone the “power of the purse.” This is arguably one of the body’s most essential...

Spending by the Legislative Branch

First Branch Forecast: Every year Congress determines exactly how much money will be made available to the Legislative Branch and the purpose for which it can be spent. The Legislative Branch Appropriations bills directs congressional spending, line-item by line-item...

Zombie Appropriations

Written testimony of Kevin R. Kosar, Vice President of Policy, R Street Institute Before the U.S. Senate, Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs, Subcommittee on Federal Spending Oversight October 30, 2019 There also is the subject of today’s hearing,...