by jpitney | Jun 22, 2021 | Bipartisanship, Budget, Debt
Many posts have discussed the deficit and the debt. Policymakers and the general public have tended to ignore these problems in recent years, In 1994, President Clinton named Bob Kerrey and John Danforth to lead a bipartisan commission on entitlements and tax...
by jpitney | Jun 18, 2021 | Budget, Congress, Oversight
Dylan Hedtler-Gaudette and Jonathan Bydlak at Roll Call: There are several ways for Congress to regain power over our federal spending, one of which is to pass the Congressional Power of the Purse Act, a comprehensive reform bill that enjoys broad bipartisan...
by jpitney | May 24, 2021 | Budget, Congress, Presidency
James C. Capretta at AEI: While the BAA [Budget and Accounting Act of 1921] empowered the executive branch with a centralized budget process, it did not resolve an ever-present tension in American government, which is that there is no regularized process for...
by jpitney | Apr 23, 2021 | Appropriations, Budget, Congress
Nan Swift at Dear Chairman Leahy, Vice Chairman Shelby, Senator Van Hollen, and Senator Hyde-Smith: We are an ideologically diverse coalition of organizations that have come together to preserve and promote the constitutional role of Congress, including...
by jpitney | Apr 19, 2021 | Budget, Congress, Deliberation
Nan Swift at Senate Democrats, frustrated their increasingly costly agenda is hitting some speedbumps (also known as business as usual), are considering a novel—and dangerous—solution to their legislative logjam: sub out the Congressional Budget Office...
by jpitney | Apr 13, 2021 | Bipartisanship, Budget, Civility, Congress, House of Representatives
Corinne Day at R Street: The R Street Institute announced the launch of a new online tool in support of the House Select Committee’s ongoing work on the Modernization of Congress. Guide for a Modern Congress provides easy-to-search options for reforming and...