Power of the Purse

From AEI: (click to RSVP) The Constitution gives Congress alone the authority to raise government revenues and decide how to spend those dollars. James Madison described this power as “the most complete and effectual weapon with which any constitution can arm the...

Congress and Earmarks

Zachary Courser & Kevin R. Kosar at AEI: The Democratic leadership in Congress is currently making fast moves toward reimplementing earmarks after a 10-year moratorium…Based on our research, we have a few recommendations that congressional committees should...


Zachary Courser and Kevin R. Kosar have an AEI report titled “Restoring the power of the purse: Earmarks and re-empowering legislators to deliver local benefits” Key Points Article I of the US Constitution gives Congress the authority to decide the amount...

Strengthening Congress

From First Branch Forecast: For decades, Congress has undercut its ability to meet its Constitution obligations by providing itself inadequate resources to meet its legislative, constitutional, and oversight responsibilities. Discretionary Executive branch resources,...

Reforming Reconciliation

Scott Newsome at LegBranch.org on reforming the Congressional Budget Act (CBA): First, section 310(a) of the CBA, which outlines the reconciliation process, is currently silent on the issue of whether it can be used to increase or decrease deficits. This leaves that...