Reforming the Vacancies Act

Cerin Lindgrensavage and Liz Hempowicz at The Hill: This week the House Oversight Committee is scheduled to mark up the Accountability for Acting Officials Act, which would close some of the loopholes and ambiguities in the Vacancies Act and give presidents more...

Bipartisan Legislation to Combat Waste

Dan Lips at National Review: [There is] new hope that Congress will soon eliminate significant waste from the federal budget, thanks to a bipartisan effort by the House Appropriations Committee. Representatives Tim Ryan (D., Ohio) and Jaime Herrera Beutler (R.,...

The Need for Regulatory Reform

Shoshana Weissman at R Street: “Regulations don’t always work as planned,” says Tom W. Bell, Professor of Chapman University’s Dale E. Fowler School of Law in They Say It Can’t Be Done, a documentary highlighting four world-changing technologies and how the people...

US Postal Service

Last year, Lydia Saad reported at Gallup: Americans are maintaining a mostly positive view of the job each of eight different high-profile federal departments and agencies is doing, out of 13 such entities measured in a new Gallup poll. The U.S. Postal Service (USPS)...