Jimmy Carter and Deregulation

In September, Phil Gramm wrote at The Wall Street Journal: Jimmy Carter, who turns 100 on Oct. 1, doesn’t get enough credit for the quarter-century economic boom from 1983 to 2008 and the underlying resilience of the economy since. Without Mr. Carter’s deregulation of...

Employee Ownership

William A. Mundell and David Dreier at Pensions and Investments: In the Oliver Stone film “Wall Street,” protagonist Gordon Gekko delivered what became the defining battle cry of 1980’s America capitalism, “Greed — for lack of a better word — is good.” Excess was a...

Civility at Work

From SHRM: SHRM 2024 research shows the disturbing trend of incivility in today’s workplaces, ultimately impacting workplace wellbeing and employee retention:   Two-thirds of U.S. workers (66%) experienced or witnessed incivility in the workplace over the...