An Informed Citizenry

Mike Johnson: Civic leaders for two centuries have extolled the critical value of an informed citizenry. Its importance cannot be overstated. Yet today, two centuries later, American citizens are less knowledgeable than ever regarding how government and politics...

Electronic Civil Society in China

Nathan Gardels at Noema: The old hierarchical system, in which the custodians of perception could impose an authoritative narrative, is doomed by the democratization of information. Just as, historically, the bourgeoisie created the space for civil society vis-à-vis...

Counties for American Civic Renewal

Adam Seagrave at NR: {The] he most basic and decisive reason we can’t look to the national and state governments for American civic renewal is that the American experiment was always, from the beginning, an experiment in self-government. The “self” in self-government...