Bound by a Solemn Oath

In Betrayal, Jonathan Karl publishes excerpts from a speech that Liz Cheney had planned to deliver on January 6: We are bound by a solemn oath, given before God, to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution. We cannot comply with that oath only when it is...

Dreier on the Balanced Budget Amendment

It is very rare for a member of Congress to announce an explicit change of mind. In 2011, Rep. David Dreier did so on the proposed balanced-budget amendment to the Constitution. Peter Kasperowicz wrote at The Hill: House Rules Committee Chairman David Dreier...

Continuity of Government

A September 16 letter to Majority Leader Schumer, Minority Leader McConnell, Speaker Pelosi, and Minority Leader McCarthy: Following the 20th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, we are writing to urge you, as leaders of Congress, to address the...

Strengthening Congressional Oversight

Jonathan Bydlak at Dear Vice Chair Shelby and Ranking Member Braun, We the undersigned right-of-center organizations and individuals write to express our support for strengthening Congress, and rebuilding its capacity for policymaking and oversight....