by jpitney | Mar 4, 2024 | Budget, Debt, Economic Policy
Mark J. Warshawsky at AEI: Last week, the Treasury Department released, with no fanfare, the massive Financial Report (FR) of the US Government. Using an accrual accounting basis, rather than a cash basis, the FR shows a much poorer picture of the current finances of...
by jpitney | Feb 13, 2024 | Budget, Debt
CBO, The Budget and Economic Outlook: 2024 to 2034 Debt held by the public rises each year in relation to the size of the economy, reaching 116 percent of GDP in 2034—an amount greater than at any point in the nation’s history. From 2024 to 2034, increases in...
by jpitney | Jul 3, 2023 | Budget, Debt, Uncategorized
From CBO: Each year, the Congressional Budget Office publishes a report presenting its projections of what the federal budget and the economy would look like over the next 30 years if current laws generally remained unchanged. The long-term budget projections...
by jpitney | Jun 3, 2023 | Biden, Bipartisanship, Civility, Congress, Debt
President Biden: I want to commend Speaker McCarthy. You know, he and I, we — and our teams — we were able to get along and get things done. We were straightforward with one another, completely honest with one another, and respectful with one another. Both sides...
by jpitney | May 21, 2023 | Debt, Public Service
At WP, Jeff Stein profiles Dave Lebryk, Treasury’s fiscal assistant secretary. Lebryk provides the debt estimates to the secretary. Scrupulously apolitical, Lebryk moved through positions that gave him deep exposure to the plumbing of federal financing: deputy...
by jpitney | Jan 24, 2023 | Congress, Debt, House of Representatives
Don Wolfensberger at The Hill: Those who think a discharge petition is an EZ-pass to resolving the debt crisis are driving against traffic. A few years ago, when I charted all the discharge petitions filed from the 90th to 115th Congresses (1967-2018), I found that,...