by jpitney | Apr 29, 2024 | California Politics, Economic Policy
Heather Haddon at WSJ: Restaurants for months have said menu prices in California would rise as the state raised the minimum wage for fast-food workers. Now they are following through. Consumers picking up burgers, burritos and chicken sandwiches at chains in the...
by jpitney | Apr 13, 2024 | California Politics, Economic Policy, Taxes
Tax Foundation: How does California’s tax code compare? California has a graduated state individual income tax, with rates ranging from 1.00 percent to 13.30 percent. California has a 8.84 percent corporate income tax rate. California has a 7.25 percent state sales...
by jpitney | Mar 9, 2024 | California Politics, Economic Policy
Don Lee at LAT: U.S. employers continued hiring new workers at a brisk pace last month, providing fresh evidence that the overall economy remains sturdy, but the new data showed that California is still looking like an underachiever. California’s job growth has been...
by jpitney | Mar 4, 2024 | Budget, Debt, Economic Policy
Mark J. Warshawsky at AEI: Last week, the Treasury Department released, with no fanfare, the massive Financial Report (FR) of the US Government. Using an accrual accounting basis, rather than a cash basis, the FR shows a much poorer picture of the current finances of...
by jpitney | Nov 14, 2023 | Budget, Congress, Economic Policy, House of Representatives
Don Wolfensberger: The House and Senate Budget committees keep churning out annual budget resolutions for approval by both houses. And the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) continues to produce its expert non-partisan cost estimates on legislation as part of its...
by jpitney | Oct 10, 2023 | Economic Policy, Inequality
John LeBoutillier: In our country during these past 45 years, the Big Business Mentality has resulted in an enormous income disparity/pay gap in corporate America, which is contributing to the divisiveness in our country. Can we blame workers for protesting when their...