Absenteeism in the House

Don Wolfensberger at The Hill: The importance of requiring members’ presence in the chamber to vote was highlighted last Wednesday when the House narrowly adopted a special rule (H. Res. 1243) making in order three measures for floor consideration that week. The vote...

House Republicans and House Rules

Jordain Carney at Politico: The governing-minded Main Street Caucus has formed an internal working group to come up with potential changes to the Republican Conference and House rules. The group of approximately 10 members is being led by Rep. Nick LaLota (R-N.Y.)....

Special Rules in the House

Don Wolfensberger at The Hill: Of the 138 measures with special rules so far in this  Congress, as of May 22, 49 (37 percent) make unreported measures in order. That compares to 27 percent in the 109th Congress (2005-06); 25 percent in the 114th Congress (2015-16);...