The Media’s Role During Emergencies

From the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Journalists have a responsibility to report information they believe is honest and objective. Public health and emergency management professionals sometimes expect the media to report in a way that supports official...

News Deserts Near the Bay

Media problems include ghost newspapers and news deserts. Janie Har at AP: The cities and suburbs on the eastern side of San Francisco Bay are home to 2.7 million people, a world-class University of California campus and bedroom communities for Silicon Valley that...

Shep Smith on Press Freedom

From the Committee to Protect Journalists: The Committee to Protect Journalists and press freedom supporters from around the world celebrated journalists from Brazil, India, Nicaragua, and Tanzania last night at the 29th annual International Press Freedom Awards in...

Internet Freedom

Adrian Shabaz and Allie Funk at Freedom House: Freedom on the Net is a comprehensive study of internet freedom in 65 countries around the globe, covering 87 percent of the world’s internet users. It tracks improvements and declines in internet freedom conditions each...