Appropriations and Oversight

Kevin D. Williamson at The DIspatch: “Getting spending under control” is only in part about debt and deficits—as important as those factors are. It also is about making sure that the money we do spend, we spend on things that are useful and productive. And that is why...

Congressional Capacity

Despite a large increase in federal spending and administrative rulemaking, Congress’s capacity to oversee the executive branch has diminished. Congress has fewer committee staff and nonpartisan wonks to help it than it did in 1990. Source:...

Strengthening Congressional Oversight

Jonathan Bydlak at Dear Vice Chair Shelby and Ranking Member Braun, We the undersigned right-of-center organizations and individuals write to express our support for strengthening Congress, and rebuilding its capacity for policymaking and oversight....

Budget Oversight

Dylan Hedtler-Gaudette and Jonathan Bydlak at Roll Call: There are several ways for Congress to regain power over our federal spending, one of which is to pass the Congressional Power of the Purse Act, a comprehensive reform bill that enjoys broad bipartisan...

An Investigating Institution

George F. Will: The presentation by the House impeachment managers was a demonstration, the more welcome for its rarity, of congressional conscientiousness and meticulousness. Congress is an investigating institution, for three purposes: To establish the need for...

Strengthening Congress

From First Branch Forecast: For decades, Congress has undercut its ability to meet its Constitution obligations by providing itself inadequate resources to meet its legislative, constitutional, and oversight responsibilities. Discretionary Executive branch resources,...