
President George H.W. Bush was born 100 years ago today.  Yesterday, at a celebration of his life, Andrew Card and Robert Gates discussed his leadership in foreign and domestic policy.

Debate Civility

From a Los Angeles Times editorial: Debate moderators can’t hold candidates in contempt of court, levy fines or have misbehaving candidates physically removed, but they aren’t without the authority to keep participants on track. For instance, they can deal decisively...

Resolutions to Censure Presidents

Don Wolfensberger at The Hill: Three factors contributed to this increase in censure resolutions over the last half century: the rise of the imperial presidency and the relative weakening of Congress; the frustration over the two-thirds, super-majority vote threshold...

Approval of President and Congress

Gallup: In a Gallup poll conducted amid tense budget negotiations in Washington involving raising the federal government’s debt ceiling, President Joe Biden’s latest job approval rating of 39% is just two percentage points higher than his personal low recorded last...