Executive Overreach

At AEI, Gary Schmitt writes of the constitutionally-dubious extension of the eviction moratorium: Rather than using her majority in the House to pass new legislation, Speaker Pelosi punted on what ought to be the primary responsibility of Congress — passing a law....

The Removal Power

 At AEI, Gary Schmitt and Joseph Bessette have a report titled “The First Congress Establishes the Unitary Executive.”  Key points: Congress wrote the statutes establishing the new government’s Departments of Foreign Affairs, War, and Treasury, placing...

Updating the Budget Process

James C. Capretta at AEI: While the BAA [Budget and Accounting Act of 1921] empowered the executive branch with a centralized budget process, it did not resolve an ever-present tension in American government, which is that there is no regularized process for...

Presidents Day at the Nixon Library

This Presidents Day, join Presidents George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Calvin Coolidge and Franklin Roosevelt for a “masterclass” to understand the Articles of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, how a bill becomes a law, the concept of...