Problems in Nevada

At WP, Dana Milbank reports on the impending election fiasco in Nevada: The election supervisors in 10 of the state’s 17 counties have already quit, been forced out or announced their departures. Lower-level election workers have quit in the face of consistent abuse....

Hounding Election Officials from Office

Linda So, Joseph Tanfani and Jason Szep at Reuters: Businessman Robert Beadles claimed he had found evidence of widespread voter fraud in the 2020 election. Then he went on the attack, targeting a 48-year-old woman who runs elections in Nevada’s Washoe County. “Now,...

Election Officials in Danger

Neil Vigdor at NYT: In Wisconsin, one of the nation’s key swing states, cameras and plexiglass now fortify the reception area of a county election office in Madison, the capital, after a man wearing camouflage and a mask tried to open locked doors during an election...