The Need for Regulatory Reform

Shoshana Weissman at R Street: “Regulations don’t always work as planned,” says Tom W. Bell, Professor of Chapman University’s Dale E. Fowler School of Law in They Say It Can’t Be Done, a documentary highlighting four world-changing technologies and how the people...

Regulatory Reform and the Pandemic

Shoshana Weissmann and Courtney Joslin at R Street: While states are increasingly embracing the value of occupational licensing reciprocity, recognition and compacts, it is still difficult for medical professionals to work across state lines and go where needed....

Madison on Regulation

Federalist 62: To trace the mischievous effects of a mutable government would fill a volume. I will hint a few only, each of which will be perceived to be a source of innumerable others.   In the first place, it forfeits the respect and confidence of other...

Participation in Rulemaking

From the Government Accountability Office: The public comment process: Agencies engage in three basic phases during the rulemaking process under the Administrative Procedure Act (APA): 1) they process comments submitted by the public, which may include identifying...