Reagan on the Men in the Kremlin

On January 29, 1981, President Reagan described the leaders of the USSR.  His words still apply to Putin and company: Now, as long as they do that and as long as they, at the same time, have openly and publicly declared that the only morality they recognize is what...

Russia is losing because brutality isn’t strength.

David French: Brutality isn’t strength. Nor is it masculinity. I should be surprised by right-wing gullibility in the face of “masculine” Russian propaganda, but I’m not. We’ve spent the last seven years watching the MAGA movement absurdly recast Donald Trump as a...

A Chilling Historical Parallel

As Putin annexes Ukrainian land, it is worth remembering what Neville Chamberlain said 84 years ago today: “We, the German Führer and Chancellor, and the British Prime Minister, have had a further meeting today and are agreed in recognizing that the question of...

Why We Are in Ukraine

Andy Busch at Law and Liberty: The real question is whether the United States has a strategic stake in Ukraine at all. The answer is yes.   Most tangibly, a quick glance at a map shows that Ukraine borders no fewer than five NATO countries. Poland, Slovakia,...

The Authoritarian Threat

Nicole Bibbins Sedaca at the Bush Institute: Vladimir Putin’s brutal, unprovoked, and unjustifiable invasion of Ukraine is an affront to the basic rights of the Ukrainian people and on democracy itself. But frighteningly, the ruthlessness behind the indiscriminate...