Preserving the Role of the Senate Parliamenarian

Andrew Desiderio at Punchbowl News: Senate Majority Leader John Thune indicated to us that he’d oppose efforts to overrule the Senate’s parliamentarian if certain GOP border security and tax provisions are ruled inconsistent with budget reconciliation rules. In a...

Joe Lieberman and Civility

Matthew Lieberman remembers his father, the late Senator Joe Lieberman (D-CT), the Democratic vice presidential nominee in 2000: It’s no accident that the hallmarks of my dad’s career included such traits as bipartisanship, the courage to lead, civility...

Congressional Pay

Paul Kane at WP: It’s been 15 years since members of the House and Senate allowed their federally mandated cost-of-living adjustment (often referred to as COLA) to take effect. Since then, their pay has been set at $174,000. Out of political fear from voters in both...