Ten Years Ago: China and TPP

Ten years ago today, David Dreier wrote in The Wall Street Journal: The last quarter-century brought the fastest and most profound geopolitical change and economic growth the world has seen. It’s time to go even bigger. Just five years after the 2008 global...

The Steep Costs of “Buy American”

Derek Thompson at The Atlantic (h/t Jacob Smagula): [A “Buy American” policy] typically raises costs. The U.S. should be concerned about building more and building faster. To take one example: A disgraceful new report on New York’s Metropolitan Transit...

Free Trade Agreement without Congressional Approval?

Alan Rappeport at NYT: (H/t Jacob Smagula)  The Biden administration hopes to reach limited free trade agreements with countries in Europe and Asia that would not require congressional approval as it looks to ease allies’ concerns about legislation that President...

Baby Formula and the Harm of Protectionism

Catherine Rampell at WP: In September the FDA decided its relaxed enforcement measures had been so successful in keeping inventories stocked that it extended them through 2025. However, following a pressure campaign from the U.S. dairy industry, Congress’s temporary...

Diplomacy and Civility

At The National Post, John Ivson profiles David Cohen, the US Ambassador to Canada: Cohen said he would characterize the trade relationship as being “open, friendly and enormously productive,” but that disagreements are inevitable. “The way to test the quality and...


Yuka Hayashi and Josh Zumbrun at The Wall Street Journal: Economists and policy makers are debating whether stimulus spending and easy monetary policy are fueling inflation. Many businesses say there is another culprit that should share the blame: import tariffs.The...