by jpitney | Feb 22, 2025 | 2776, California Politics, Declaration of Independence, Local Government, Trade, Vaccine
At LAT, Steve Lopez writes of Mayor Bass: She told two local TV news outlets she wouldn’t have gone to Ghana as part of a presidential delegation on Jan. 4 if she’d been aware of the fire risk in Los Angeles. “If I had all the information I needed to have, the last...
by jpitney | Feb 17, 2025 | 2776, California Politics, Congress, Declaration of Independence, Disabilities, Dreier, Emergency, Environment, Race, Redistricting, Trade, Transparency, Vaccine
Jenny Jarvie and Grace Toohey at LAT: What went wrong with L.A. county’s warnings and evacuations is now the subject of two different investigations after Times reporting found that emergency wireless alerts went out to west Altadena almost five hours after fire began...
by jpitney | Jan 24, 2025 | 2776, California Politics, Electoral College, Environment, History, Immigration, Jobs, Lincoln, Mass Media, Race, Redistricting, Trade, Vaccine
Connor Sheets at LAT: Los Angeles County officials missed dozens of opportunities for water infrastructure improvements that experts say probably would have enabled firefighters to save more homes during the Palisades fire, public records show. As crews battled...
by jpitney | Aug 24, 2023 | Russia, Uncategorized, Vaccine
Professor Andrew Busch: As for escalation, Vladimir Putin and Dmitri Medvedev have been threatening it since February 2022. But Putin, no longer a Marxist, is assuredly still at heart a Leninist, and it was Lenin who advised his followers “You probe with bayonets: if...
by jpitney | Jan 24, 2022 | Journalism, Journalists, Vaccine
Del Bigtree, I survived a murderous mass shooting in my newsroom. My head nearly taken off by a shotgun blast, missing by an inch. Five Capital Gazette family members were killed around me. Your thoughts/words are disgusting/inhuman. No one should have such hate in...
by jpitney | Dec 9, 2021 | California Politics, Public Service, Vaccine
Cheryl Clark at Medpage Today: The president of the Medical Board of California described a “terrifying” ambush, threats, and intimidation from four men she said were wearing jackets indicating they were part of “America’s Frontline...