The Speakership Problem

Donald Wolfensberger at The Hill: Rep. Mike Kelly (R-Pa.) introduced a resolution (H. Res. 787) last Monday to elect McHenry to that elevated role with a sunset date of Nov. 17, or upon the election of a Speaker. The prospect of such a hybrid speakership, however,...

Impeachment Surge

Donald Wolfensberger at The Hill: In 2008, David E. Kyvig, a professor of history at Northern Illinois University, published “The Age of Impeachment: American Constitutional Culture Since 1960.”  In his preface, Kyvig says the purpose of the book is to answer “why...

Lessons from the 1990s

Don Wolfensberget at The Hill: The principal lesson that emerged from the Gingrich period was that the newly energized majority began to take its victory hubris so seriously that it forged boldly ahead with its grand plans, oblivious to the potential pitfalls along...


Don Wolfensberger at The Hill: The appropriate alternative to what many perceived as the iron-fisted rule of previous Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif), is not to tie both hands behind the backs of Speakers and instead to empower a strong, even-handed Speaker committed...