The Rules Committee Matters

Don Wolfensberger at The Ripon Forum: In the mid-20th Century, a conservative coalition of southern Democrats and Republicans became a dominant ruling group in the House.  On the Rules Committee, two southern Democrats, “Judge” Howard Smith of Virginia and Bill Colmer...

Rules and the Defense Bill

Don Wolfensberger at The Hill: Around the turn of this century we saw evolve a more partisan Congress with the prospect looming large every two years of either or both chambers flipping party control. In the case of the more stalwart committees like Armed Services,...

House Republicans and House Rules

Jordain Carney at Politico: The governing-minded Main Street Caucus has formed an internal working group to come up with potential changes to the Republican Conference and House rules. The group of approximately 10 members is being led by Rep. Nick LaLota (R-N.Y.)....

Unruly Rules Members

As part of his deal to keep the speakership, Kevin McCarthy put three hardliners on the Rules Committee.  At Puck, David Dreier told Tina Nguyen that it was a big mistake: “What McCarthy did was just so unfortunate and just so wrong,” David Dreier, a former Republican...

Cole on Rules

Tom Cole (R-OK) is changing chairs from Rules to Appropriations.  He spoke with Ryan Lizza of Politico: One of the consequences of that process-wise [motion to vacate], rules-wise, was that the Rules Committee, which you chaired until very recently, was stacked with...