Tim Scott Update

Shelby Talcott at Semafor: Nikki Haley called Sen. Tim Scott on Friday seeking his endorsement, according to a source familiar with the situation — and she’s not the only candidate courting him.   The former governor texted her fellow South Carolinian after he...

Tim Scott in Midsummer

Rachel Bade at Politico: Sen. TIM SCOTT is having a moment on the campaign trail. A new Fox Business Iowa poll is the latest survey showing the South Carolinian Republican gaining on RON DeSANTIS in early-voting states. Since launching his bid in May, Scott’s been on...

“The scrutiny will come.”

Politico Playbook: In recent days, super PACs associated with DeSantis and NIKKI HALEY have singled out Scott for criticism. Operatives in multiple campaigns, we’re told, are beefing up their oppo files on the senator, and some briefed Playbook in recent days about...

Watching Tim Scott

Harry Enten at CNN:  Can the nice guy finish first? That’s the question a lot of analysts are asking about the Republican race for president, with headlines such as “Tim Scott is turning heads with donors and early-state voters” and “Tim Scott’s formidable charm meets...

Tim Scott, Unprecedented

Michael Kruse and Sydney Gold at Politico: There’s never been anybody in the history of the Republican Party quite like Tim Scott. A descendant of enslaved people, the second son of a single mother, a bachelor, a teetotaler and an erstwhile insurance salesman, the...