Judy Wright

John Neiuber at the Claremont Courier: Like so many things, change is a process not an event.  It is the cumulative contributions of many that bring about change, that alter attitudes and gain acceptance.  In Claremont, we find the contributions of women to be many...

Boehner Remembers

John Boehner at Politico: Retaking control of the House of Representatives put me in line to be the next Speaker of the House over the largest freshman Republican class in history: 87 newly elected members of the GOP. Since I was presiding over a large group of people...

Tom Ridge and Civility

Jan Murphy at PennLive: Bipartisanship is hard to come by these days in Harrisburg and in Washington, D.C., but former Gov. Tom Ridge remembers how that was the way he often got things done during his political career. Whether it was serving in Congress when...

The Meaning of Civility

Margy Davey is of the Oshkosh Civility Project: Since interaction with other human beings is about the most important thing we do, shouldn’t we strive for the highest quality interaction we can? Practicing civility in our daily lives can make a better life for all of...