Yesterday, from the Ronald Reagan Foundation

 The Board of Trustees of the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute (RRPFI) announced today the formation of the new nonpartisan Center on Public Civility to be led by media executive and Reagan Foundation Board Chairman Frederick J. Ryan, Jr. The Center will promote constructive solutions to address the deep divisions and discord in America.


The decline of civility and respect is posing a significant threat to the foundation of our democracy. Divisiveness and lack of trust are damaging our political process and causing Americans to lose faith in its institutions and their leaders. This toxic environment in politics, social media, and increasingly across our society, is making it more difficult for us to find common ground and act for the greater good of our nation.

The Center on Public Civility will advance the principles of collaboration and respectful dialogue in pursuit of effective governance and a thriving and connected society through several avenues.  We anticipate that the Center’s work will include the following bipartisan objectives:

  • Delivering an enduring and ongoing spotlight on simultaneously principled and effective leadership across political, policy, and national civic spheres.
  • Bridging divides by identifying fault lines and bringing together stakeholders from across differences to find constructive solutions to our challenges.
  • Strengthening public trust by fostering transparent, ethical, and accountable behavior across public service and in the media.
  • Instilling and incentivizing the values of civility and respect in the leaders of today and tomorrow.
  • Bringing elected officials and leaders from both political parties to engage in thoughtful, civil discourse focused on modeling bipartisan action and results.
  • Publications and research that foster solution-oriented norms and behaviors.
  • Civility training and simulations for students.
  • Partnerships with organizations, including institutions of higher learning, to advance the cause of impact through civil discourse.


“The people are watching and waiting. They don’t demand miracles. They do expect us to act. Let us act together.” – Ronald Reagan